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Why Horses?


Why Not! Horses are beautiful, majestic, sensitive animals. Learning their language and communicating with them teaches responsibility, humility, kindness & sensitivity. The feeling you get from bonding with such a large animal is fantastic! Not to mention you will never run out of fun things to do with a horse. The opportunities are endless! 

I don't have a horse, can I still take lessons?


Unfortunatly at this time I dont have any lesson horses availabe. Riders must provide their own animal, equiptment and a safe place to ride. 

I am looking to buy a horse, can you help me?


Yes. First off we make sure that you are as prepared as possible in your skills as well as financially. Then we will help you find the horse that is most suited to your needs. Not every horse is compatable with every rider, so we can help you with this important and special choice. Horses should be fun! 

Why is your minimum age 5?


This is a general rule and is not black & white. However, horses are large animals with mind of their own and can be unpredictable. If a rider is not engaged and paying full attention that is where safety is compromised and if we require anything it is safety. 

I already know how to ride, Can you still help me?


Most likely there is something that I know that can help improve your horsemanship in some way or another. I do not claim to know everything because I don't think such a state exists. I am always reading, attending clinics and learning from other to improve myself and apply what I know to my program. Its important to find a coach who understands your goal and limitations. Book me for a lesson so we can find what your mission is and make a plan to accomplish it!

If you have any questions that were not answered here please email me at

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